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Flutter Cheat Sheet

In the past few weeks, I've participated in NetNinja's Flutter course (without wanting to advertise: it is great. the $10 is worth it). This cheat sheet contains all my notes on this course. This cheatsheet contains all you need to know about Flutter.

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Running the App

After installing Flutter on your system (which can be quiet complicated) and creating a new Flutter app, you can run your application using flutter run.

Your app will start executing in the main function of the lib/main.dart file. The main function must call runApp to start the app. The runApp function takes a widget as an argument (in most cases MaterialApp).

void main() {
      home: Scaffold(
    appBar: AppBar(
      title: const Text('My Coffee Id'),
      backgroundColor: Colors.brown[700],
      centerTitle: true,
    body: const Home(),